Memorials and Donations

General InformationSouth Suburban offers opportunities for honoring a special person or occasion through the donation of memorial trees and benches. Memorial types are dependent upon the desired location and were selected for uniformity across South Suburban. As such, prices vary by location. South Suburban installs and maintains the memorials, which includes the replacement of damaged or worn memorials at no additional cost to the donor.

The Hudson Gardens and Event Center manages bench and tree donations at Hudson Gardens.

The High Line Canal Conservancy manages bench and tree donations on the High Line Canal Trail.

Application Process

  1. Fill out the online memorial application.
  2. South Suburban provides available specific locations within the requested park, trail, open space, or golf course.
  3. Donor selects or approves location, provides the inscription for the plaque, and makes payment by check or credit card.
  4. Installation timing varies and donors should anticipate a minimum of three months from when the order is placed. Bench installations occur from April 1-November 1. Trees are planted in the spring and fall only, when conditions are optimal for establishment.


South Suburban staff will provide tree species to choose from based on donor’s desired planting location. Upon request, donor and guests may be present for the planting ceremony. Additionally, with each tree contribution, a brass leaf is inscribed and added to our wall-mounted commemorative tree sculpture in the Goodson Recreation Center, 6315 S. University Blvd., Centennial, 80121.

Inscriptions specifics: Up to 100 characters including spaces.


Benches adorn *parks, trails, open spaces, and golf courses throughout the District. Non-memorialized benches are available for purchase. South Suburban will remove the existing bench and install a new memorial-specific bench that includes an engraved plaque on its backrest.

Standard benches are black powder-coated steel mounted onto a concrete pad. New location requests are subject to approvals, including but not limited to consideration of existing memorials, programs, mowing access, tree root and irrigation line proximity.

Inscription specifics: Up to four lines of text with 25 characters per line including spaces and punctuation.

*South Suburban is currently not accepting requests for memorials at the following locations: Carson Nature Center, Cherry Knolls Park Pond, Gallup Gardens, Jackass Hill Park, Ketring Park, Mary Carter Greenway south of W Prince St, Reynolds Landing Park, South Platte Park (except at the South Platte Reservoir), War Memorial Rose Garden, Writers Vista Park, and Facilities other than golf courses

Locations with Specific Designs:

Littleton Community Trail
An urban trail running north-south between the Big Dry Creek and Lee Gulch Trails, giving connection to the Historic Downtown Littleton area.

Littleton Community Trail Bench Thumbnail

Inscription specifics: Up to three lines of text with 28 characters per line including spaces.

Mary Carter Greenway
Memorial benches will be considered for the section of greenway between W Prince St in Littleton and W Hamilton Pl in Sheridan.

Mary Carter Greenway Bench Thumbnail

Other Memorial Options and Donations

Bike Repair Station
Includes all the tools necessary to perform basic bike repairs and maintenance. © 2015 Dero

Service Station Thumbnail

Requests for trail rest areas, fitness stations, shade pavilions, and other park amenities are welcomed. Please contact Lisa Howell at LHowell@ssprd.org.


Type Memorial *Price
Tree Deciduous (2 in caliper), Evergreen (8 ft) $1,170
Bench Standard Bench (6 ft) for Parks, Trails, Open Spaces, & Golf Courses $7,335
Bench Littleton Community Trail (6 ft) $6,605
Bench Mary Carter Greenway Trail (6 ft) $8,830
Other Bike Repair Station $5,780

*Note: Prices are subject to change based on cost of materials.