South Suburban Matching Gifts Program

The South Suburban Park and Recreation District is committed to enhancing parks, facilities, and programs through community collaboration. To support these efforts, the District's Board of Directors allocates annual matching funds to help bring local improvement projects to life.

Through a 1:1 matching fund program, individuals, neighborhoods, homeowner associations, sports teams, businesses, and other organizations can contribute to projects that enhance our shared spaces.

Eligible projects may include:

  • New plantings along trails and in open spaces
  • Equipment purchases or repairs to improve recreational and sports spaces and programs

Funding & Project Management

  • Proposal Review: The District will evaluate all proposals to ensure alignment with community needs and goals. South Suburban reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal in whole or in part.
  • Approval Threshold: Funding requests under $2,000 are more likely to receive approval.
  • Equity Consideration: If projects offer similar benefits, priority may be given to applicants who did not receive funding in the previous year.
  • Matching Funds: Approved applicants must submit their matching funds within two weeks of project approval, unless otherwise agreed upon.
  • Ownership & Maintenance: All funded improvements become the property of the District. The District will manage operation, maintenance, repair, and liability, unless otherwise specified.

Eligibility & Program Requirements

  • Location: The project must be situated on District-owned or leased property. Visit the online map.
  • Community Benefit: The project must provide a direct benefit to District parks, facilities, or programs.
  • Tree Plantings: Are only allowed in native or open space areas (not irrigated parks) and require approval from the District Parks Department. Planting will be conducted by District staff, and applicants must commit to watering new trees for three years to support proper establishment.
  • Project Timeline: The project must be completed within the same calendar year.

Examples of Previous Awarded Projects

Here are some examples of projects that received funding last year through the Matching Gifts Program:

  • Pottery wheel and furniture for the Pottery Studio at Goodson Recreation Center
  • Race equipment and storage for Ben Franklin, Holly and Cook Creek Pools
  • Figure Skating Judge equipment for the Sports Complex

How to Apply

Applicants whose projects meet the eligibility and program requirements can submit their applications online for the Matching Gifts Program between March 1 and May 31, 2025, by 5 PM. Submissions will be reviewed within two weeks, with approvals granted on a first-come, first-served basis, subject to funding availability.

Matching Gifts Application