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Grant Brings More Energy-Efficient Lawn Equipment to South Suburban

Grant Brings More Energy-Efficient Lawn Equipment to South Suburban

Nov 16 2023


After receiving funding for electric lawn equipment from the first round of the Regional Air Quality Council’s Mow Down Pollution Public Entity Lawn & Garden Program in April, South Suburban’s Sustainability Committee successfully applied for another round of funding to continue growing the District’s stock of electric lawn equipment.

With its second application, the District secured an additional $50,000, the max amount public entities are eligible to receive. These additional funds were used to purchase 24 backpack blowers, six weed trimmers, 15 smaller batteries, 28 larger batteries and 15 multi-battery chargers. Per the grant’s terms, the District contributed an additional $12,500 to purchase the equipment, and will exchange gas-powered equipment to be recycled.

"Our park staff’s commitment to South Suburban’s guiding principle of stewardship of nature and sustainability is reflected in their adoption of electric lawn tools, which not only reduce noise but improve the air quality in our region through reduced emissions,” said Deputy Director of Business Services Ryan Hegreness.

The Mow Down Pollution initiative also has a residential program, which South Suburban residents are eligible to apply for. While the 2023 program is closed, residents can sign up for the 2024 waitlist now.


March 2025